Saturday, October 25, 2014

How could...????

How could we change to you and me??
How could our dreams change to your dreams and my dreams?
How could our life change to your life and my life??
How could our world change to your world and my world?
How could our problems change to your problems and my problems?
How could two people who were in love change to two strangers who knew everything about each other?
How could every thing change so much??
How could...???
       How could..???
            How could..??

So many questions...but no  answers for any one..!!

There are 3 things in world which have no guarantee..
Life, China mobiles and the most temporary one 'LOVE'.

Someone said 'Dont fall in love, fall from a bridge it hurts less,,, I wish I had known this earlier..!!

& nw that I have already fallen,,, all I have is 'broken promises,haunting memories & endless pain'


  1. Ah... So well said.
    And you ended the post with pain.
    I hope life ends with happiness,

  2. Life is a journey...a undiscovered path..u never know..wn u will get roses or throns under ur face them as they are...trrons or flower...accept them...!
    China Mobile....i didnt use don't know :P
    n Love Most complicated yet most simple thing in this world....!
    it seems u have been a lot thru all this....!
    sm day u wl get over it and will be as happy as u were once...!
    i know this is tough..very tough..but this is real!

    1. Once again thank u VP..well, china mobile even I din use..I heard it bus likdia..;-)
